I want to add a note to the Galveston post the Hurricane that hit there in September of 1900 was the deadliest natural disaster to ever hit the United States. Killing between 6,000 and 12,000 people.
We spent Christmas in Houston. We are still being blamed for bringing the cold down with us. Remember the family in Hot springs, Here is a picture they sent us. I had heard between 6 and 8 inches, Biggest snow fall in 8 years, I'm truly sorry. After what we did for Hot springs Jim called us and requested that we not go to Florida on this trip. He is afraid of what we might do to the orange crop.
And yes the Christmas holidays were cold, but we were inside where it was nice and warm. My sister Etta was planning on coming to Houston to stay with her children however due to medical problems back home she was unable to make the trip at this time. It was great seeing my niece, nephew and their families, and being able to really get to know them. So many times holidays are limited to a meal, a football game, some presents and then that's it. Carmen's husband arrived home from Saudi Arabia on Christmas day. He has been working out of the country for 5 years. It was a treat to see how her children jumped in and took care of the meal preparation while she made the trip to the airport.
I rewrote this part several times and then deleted it to preserve a great marriage I will just say this. Ruthie has a tradition of making eggnog for the Christmas get together.
Unfortunately today any thing that could go wrong, did. I will challenge you to find out exactly what pasteurized eggs are. We ended up using a recipe that required cooking the mixture, came out a little like custard, cooled it, blended it, tasted OK. There is always next year..
I am almost embarrassed to add this but I guess if it interests, amazes, or causes us to think it might be of interest to you also. We can't see everything from a motorcycle.
We went with Carmen and family to a mall, maybe you are already aware of a little but costly childrens toy called the American Doll. I had heard of them before but just figured they were a walmart type doll. Apparently not! They have a store devoted to the "Doll", clothes, accessories, matching clothes for the child owner, bedding, furniture any thing you want and can get financing for. But the two things they set me back. This picture is of the American doll cafe where you can have lunch with your doll. The little people in the table booster chairs are not real. I thought this was a Texas phenomenon but after posting it on fb I was informed we have them in Minnesota also. How did I miss this?
But I was yet to be amazed, while inside the store I noticed a line of
little girls and their parents. Near the front of the line was this
That's right you can get your "doll's" hair done in many popular styles.
A line of at least twenty patient guests waiting to pay $15-$25 to have one of the five trained stylists do your doll's hair. Or perhaps have ear piercing. ( somehow that seems cruel to me. ) I guess the economy is not as bad as I thought.
To good not to edit. added ( Jan 28th)
There were two experiences that left a lasting impression on me and I’m sure the little children involved.
The first is Goat man. As the story goes goat man hides under bridges and the children are told if they hold their breath while traversing a bridge there isn’t a problem. However if you don’t, goat man jumps on the rear of the vehicle. Now you might be asking yourself as the children do, how do we get goat man off? Evidently the way they do it in Houston is speed up and turn. I don’t know how fast or how hard a turn is required, I guess it must depend on goat man’s grip.
The second is a Christmas tradition called “Elf on the Shelf” he usually appears just after Thanksgiving. His job is to spy on the children and report back to Santa, sometimes he plays harmless pranks on the children, in the morning when the children wake up he is mysteriously in a different place in the home. (seems harmless enough) However Carmen’s daughter-in-law Mary has invented “Naughty” Elf on the Shelf. A few things that have been blamed on him, one night he wrapped the room in toilet paper! One morning when the children went to leave their room they were repelled by an invisible force field at the door. It seems Naughty elf had strung saran wrap across the entire door way. ( I’m sure he was busting a gut from his new vantage point.) The one prank I still think about the most and I have seen pictures to prove it was the morning the children woke and Elf was holding a note that said “go look in the mirror”. When they did they seen their nose’s had been painted red. I don't know about you but I’m sure therapists all over the world will be breathing a sigh of relief, future work.
We had a great time in Houston, the family had gave us many great suggestions on interesting Texas travel and historical markers. We were ready to hit the road. The forbidden gardens just outside of Houston in Katy Texas (great name) was to be our first stop. Daughter Michelle warned us not to go, after all they were "forbidden".