Friday, December 21, 2012

8 Camping Ozarks

    We spent two days at the Heart of the Ozarks campground.    Here are a couple of pictures so you can get an understanding of our camper.  We purchased this used on Craig s  list.  ( isn't everything.)  He was a Harley owner so we get some grief about the spare tire cover.   The canvas (tent part) and tubing is housed under the black vinyl cover.   The area below the green canvas is for storage and can be accessed at all times.

After the black cover is removed the green canvas can be propped up with the tubing.  It folds out to a king size bed with a 6X6 stand up dressing room.  We have awnings that Velcro  above the window openings.  Their are jacks at all four corners to level and stabilize.  And an awning to cover the front entrance.  At some point we will photograph the interior and talk about our supplies.

     As you can see we did not leave much at home. 

      During our stay we  rode down and checked out Bull Shoals lake and a couple of the local restaurants. 

     It was at the campground I realized there might be a communication problem for me.  I know sometimes I talk to fast, but life is short and I need to get it all in.  I was visiting with the camp manager trying to see if they had a soldering iron so I could repair my helmet wiring.  I mentioned that I hadn't noticed any dew on the camper that morning.  No response,  so I added "or maybe you all don't get dew down here?"   She said, well you have to remember for us this is winter and there isn't much to do!  OK, maybe I do have an accent?   I  promised myself to think about my communication skills. 
     Now to pack up and head for Eureka Springs, 


  1. I'm thinking she should look into hearing instruments. BVail - Motocampers
    p.s. Nice looking camper.

    1. Thanks, It is a great camper. If the weather hadn't been so unpredictable in Texas we would have stayed in it more.
      You had me going for a minute, I had to reread the post. Thanks for the comment.
