Monday, January 19, 2015

115 A note from the desert.

 I believe a little housekeeping is in order first. I have had numerous many quite a few okay two requests to continue publishing my blog.  Although I have been taking notes and pictures very faithfully I knew that because of  lack of free time and some potential controversy involved I had to give it some thought to decide how to do it tactfully.
     A little disclaimer for all posts, past, present and future!  Sometimes when you tell a story it is hard to convey the meaning behind the story without listing some details that may or may not be flattering.   A Facebook freind gave me what I believe is a safe solution.   Everything I write is from my point of view, which if you know me at all is probably somewhat slanted and maybe some of it is pure fiction and any resemblance to anyone or anyplace is just a coincidence.  However if you see someone you admire you are welcome to claim that it is you. 
    Well here we go, now remember this may just be some cruel dream sequence. 
    Jaime had already let me know we wouldn't be working with the horses during the week, it was just to much with her work, home commitments and the physical exertion training required.  So will this be our winter to just hang out in the motorhome, work with Jamie and the horses a little, maybe some rides into the desert.  This should be one of our more casual and uneventful winter trips.   
     Not so fast there bucko!
Interstate 10 toward sunny California!
     January 13, 2015 An email from the California desert arrived.  A party had seen my Craigslist ad for horse training and they said they were intrigued, wondering what my salary requirements were for an 8 hour day (make a mental note of that) with lodging.  The email also asked what horse training gurus I followed.    I was sent a video of the ranch in California that peaked our interest.  It showed a beautiful luxurious ranch setting, stables, white rail fences, beautiful horses resting in the paddocks and stables, palm trees, mountains on the horizon.  I think I vaguely heard Robin Leach (now that's funny, private joke, you will see why in about a year of posts.  I hope I remember to clue you in. Not to worry, I made a note.)  in the back of my mind saying "Welcome to the lifestyle of the rich and famous."  We had to see this place!  We traded a couple of emails and it was suggested that with my relaxed schedule with Jaime's horses maybe I could train in California during the week and Glendale on the weekend.  Getting approval from Jaime
Sharing the road.
we made arrangements to travel to the ranch Sunday after our training session.  It was close to 250 miles on interstate 10 to our destination and on Jan 18th we headed out.  We were able to travel 80 mph while in Arizona.   We had been told that there was inexpensive camping in the desert around Quartzite AZ however we were not prepared for the magnitude of the draw that inexpensive camping in the desert has.  The desert seemed to be filled with campers and RV'ers of all descriptions haphazardly spread out along the desert bordering the roadway.   They stretched for miles.  Not knowing how many opportunities we would have for gas and refreshments we made the mistake of stopping for gas at this exit.  There was a significant wait just to get off the exit and a line at the gas station.  We found out later that it was the annual gem and mineral show.  As one man told us "its all about the rocks".   Besides the cars, motorhome and campers there seemed to be an abundance of aimless souls  Don't know if they are homeless, hippies, or just wanderers laying around on McDonald's little patch of green real estate.

California, here we come!
     As we approached our destination in the California desert it surprised us as we started a thirty  mile descent just before we reached Coachella California. the temperature climbed from 72 up to 79.  Ruthie was liking it already.  From Coachella you pass names like Indio, La quinta, Indian Wells, Palm Desert, Rancho Marge, Palm Springs and Desert Hot springs.  We were told that people that can afford to live anywhere choose to live here in the winter months.  I have come to the conclusion that there are two types of people here,  those with money and the those that work and serve them. (One guess which group we were in.).  Then the desert floor starts to climb slowly for the next 40 miles or so leaving behind this little oasis with its ideal winter climate. 
     Due to the public nature of the "Ranch and associated business's I have chose what I feel are appropriate names for the parties involved, I will remain "Vern".  We had been given the code to get thru the first two security gates and a phone call beckoned an assistant we shall call Yoda (a combination of Yoga and Buda which I felt fitting) to let us in the final locked gate.  "The Ranch" was everything we had dreamed of.  Surely we have reached paradise.  (No, not yet but soon.)  We were greeted warmly by the ranch owners and soon the five of us sat down at a patio at the end of the stable to discuss arrangements.   No not what you think, it was like a patio at a nice home,  patio furniture, stone fireplace, a small rock wall with roses.   You have already met Yoda and we shall call the "mister" The Don (like in Trump)  and Mrs. Bobbie! (as in Knight)   Bobbie was very interested in my horse training experience and methods.  It had been made very clear that I was to train the horses using the exact methodology that they subscribed to. (yup, they had drank the kool aid.)   Trump seemed more interested if I watched the communist news station "CNN" and who I voted for in the last election.  I firmly believe an "Obama" answer would have sent us back to Glendale before the security gate closed behind us.
Ruthie seems comfortable, doesn't look
like she will want to leave anytime soon.
       We were told that the position consisted of training the four young colts 8-10 months old, a foal yet unborn and they mentioned a project mare that had been returned from the trainer because of problems.  The colts were being trained for a future in the show ring.  They also mentioned that my ability to do some repair and projects may come in useful and Ruthie might be able to get some hours in some of there other business's.  She would also help out with some meals.  We tried to make it clear that we were not looking for a (and Bobbie spelled it) J.O.B. and our objective was to help out with expenses and still be able to ride and explore the area.  Looking at my notebook, we had mentioned training four times a week so we could do some three day trips.  2.  Would our accommodations have air conditioning? Yes, We would be able to live in the motorhome close to the stables.  3.  We from time to time have visitors and wondered if they could stay on the couch,   Donald said "No" it was a working ranch.  We all decided to try it for a week.  (note to grandchildren.  In any discussion there are many sides to consider. 1. What you mean to say 2. The words you use to convey your thoughts. 3. What the other person thinks you mean. 4. What the parties assume based on there experiences.)   And in the end both parties will feel they are being taken advantage of.   Yup, be careful out there.  I know I said "train Horses" The Don said "train horses". Bobbie said "train horses" I think I remember hearing "Fraud protection" that's right "Frog protection". We are totally on the same page! 

1 comment:

  1. A note of explanation to those that have been following this. You are wondering why this post has a post date of over a year ago. I thought for those that join the blog it will keep it in sequence for them. To you I apologize, as I continue now to update and catch up it will become pretty clear why I wasn't able to keep up on my posts. This should change now that we have left "the ranch" and are trying to learn to relax and use the word "no" more often.
    Ride safe, Ride often.
