Monday, October 31, 2016

178. First day in Hemet!

Oct 30, 2016
     Fortunately for our nerves we didn't have long to wait A muscular man emerged from the front door with a welcome smile, handshake and hug for Ruthie. (Sterling mentioned later if he had known us better he would have came out carrying a firearm). Leaving the trike outside he ushered us into the home. Warm and inviting, beautiful decorated, I think we've done okay. Lynda my texting friend was waiting inside with guests. It felt like we had just arrived at an old friends home, inquiring about our ride and checking to see if we had eaten. We soon were seated at the table eating spaghetti and a warm cup of tea. 
Curious about the new
    Tired from the events of the last few days and anxious to see our residence Sterling opened the gate, I drove thru around the garage and met them over by the toy hauler. My thought was I would carry our travel bags in for the night and ride into town for some supplies. Not to worry, as Lynda had made sure we had a few necessary items in the refrigerator and supplies for breakfast in the morning. We carried our necessary travel bags inside, the rest could wait until morning. I was a little concerned as I viewed the size of our residence the layout didn't match what our research had prepared us for.  However just to worn out to think about it now.   Tonight we sleep!
Our first drop in guest, I named her
Bobbie, sorry couldn't help myself!   

Monday Oct 31, 2016 

I apologized to Ruthie the next morning as I had slept while she unpacked the entire trailer and was already started on arranging her new home. I think its a nesting thing perhaps an instinct us men don't have. As soon as I was up and conscious I lent a helping hand. It was afternoon before we made our trip to town for some supplies of special need were towels and washcloths, after all using a sock for a wash cloth has its limitations. A short 3 mile ride into town with our empty cargo trailer. One daughter Michelle's friends on Facebook said it looked like a traveling port-a-potty. I think its cute
Will it fit? If you want information
on California, follow the white car
to the left, Its Ester's. 
We were about to meet her.

     Angel view thrift shop and Goodwill, a couple of pieces of cookware, drinking glasses and hangers. A stop at Stater brothers for groceries, glad we brought the trailer. Perhaps a little cautious due to the many warnings from our Coachella employers or maybe just anxious to get back to our new residence I was avoiding eye contact as we loaded our little trailer. As luck would have it we must have inadvertently parked next to the official Hemet town greeter and California welcome wagon. Could this be what they were warning us about. She seemed harmless enough. Her name was Ester, a retired school teacher, now substitute and doing some writing. Proud of her ancestral heritage they had pioneered California in covered wagons from Virginia. The patron of her family was one of the first judges in California. She said he had a sign on his door that said if the office was closed to come by the house. One young couple took it literally, in the dark they came by buggy, knocking on the door and greeted by the oldest son. A short conversation and the judge leaning out his bedroom window performed the ceremony as the couple waited outside in their carriage. The judges wife also still in her night gown and cap was the witness. Our Hemet host suggested this might have been the first drive thru wedding. Las Vegas eat your heart out.
Bare in mind we are standing in the grocery store parking lot as Ester continues our California welcome. She comes by her enthusiasm naturally as the judge evidently quite the writer sent eloquent letters back home describing this wonderful land. One of them mentioned the grass was as high as the bit on their horses bridle and looked untouched by human hand. Now a part of California history some of his letters and family bible are now in a museum in the state. I hate to admit it however Ester was still talking as we mounted the trike and rode out of the parking lot. We were anxious to get home. Sterling and Lynda would be home soon and we had a date with them this evening. No worries, we now knew Esters hair dresser and we can always check out Stater brothers parking lot to get the address of the museum.

   Our schedule from Lynda had mentioned that they would be taking us out to celebrate Ruthie's birthday. We rode with Lynda and Sterling met us on his way home from work.   Sterling's favorite restaurant is Los Vaqueros's looks like he has good taste. The food the atmosphere and of course the company was wonderful. It was a great evening, it gave us a little more time to visit and get to know our host couple. Our first day in Hemet left us with a warm feeling, although I shouldn't be making assumptions based on one day however Lynda and Sterling seemed much more than we had anticipated.   It was a good day. 

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